The government of Ghana is playing its role in education, but limited resource allocation has been a major challenge for quality education in the country, especially in the rural communities. To give back to our rural communities and as part of our annual goals, ANUA is seeking contributions to support the schools with study materials, including notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, whiteboards, computers, and laptops to enhance quality education for the students.  Your contributions will also help ANUA to offer scholarship assistance to motivate needy but brilliant students to continue their academic studies at the University level. Additionally, your contributions will help ANUA to buy solar lamps for the students and teachers to address intermittent power outages in the communities.

As our long-term plan, we are seeking support to mobilize resources to build libraries for rural communities that currently have none to encourage academic excellence. We will also use your contributions to support rehabilitation of dilapidated school buildings, including dining halls, kitchen, and toilet facilities, and sport facilities to improve the social and physical conditions of the students. 

Become a Blessing!

We greatly appreciate your support for our charitable programs. Be blessed as you join us in these charitable causes to improve the economic and social conditions for the vulnerable in the rural communities of Ghana.  To donate please click here or for any inquiries please click here to contact us.